Frequently Asked Questions Shipping / Change / Return Policy

What is Secure Payment?
How long is the shipping delivery time?
How can I track my order?
I want to change or return to product, what should I do?
When will the payment for the product I returned be made?

Another Most Asked Questions

Which Size Fits Me?
Which Payment Methods Can I Use?
I made an order but I did not receive the notification e-mail, what should I do?
I chose the wrong size / wrong product, what can I do?
My order is incomplete / My invoice is incomplete, what can I do?
My order has been cancelled, why?
How can I change/update address?
Is there a gift box and change card?
How can I change the product I purchased if it is defective/wrong?
Can I change the product I purchased with a different product?
Can I make a product reserved / hold ?
How many times can I use the right to change?
Will out-of-stock products come back?
How can I be informed about new products and discounts?
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